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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Guided Reading Plan: Be a Perfect Person in just Three Days



Comprehension Focus:

  • Character motivation and change
  • Character Perspective/Point of View

Guided Reading Texts

Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days!, by Stephen Manes



Guided Reading and Independent Practice: (15-20 minutes)

AIM- SWBAT identify characters' motivations; SWBAT explain how and why characters change in the story; SWBAT identify and explain different characters' perspectives; (SWBAT increase reading stamina)


What is the big idea (of the chapter)?

Chapter 1: Sometimes you don't know what you want until it hits you on the head. There is always something that you wish were different and some people may know how to help you, but you should be skeptical of such claims.

Chapter 2: Sometimes getting what you want means that you have to do things that you didn't expect.

Chapter 3: Having to go through an embarrassing situation can change your perspective on some things.

Chapter 4: We may not all agree on what perfection is, but by doing challenging things we can grow and change and be more comfortable with who we are.

Chapter 5: Getting what you want can require doing difficult things, things that you may not be successful with.

Chapter 6: Being a "good" person is more important than perfection. Life is more interesting because we make mistakes.


STEP Bottom Lines


Apply word-solving strategies to complex multisyllable words flexibly. Trace characters across multiple episodes, elaborating own understanding as the story progresses. Relate earlier and later parts of a text, figuring out how they make sense together. Connect general themes among books, discussing some similarities and differences. Retell stories using some synthesis and interpretation of events—going beyond factual recall and sequencing.


Identify pertinent information in a text when searching for answers. Connect different parts of a text to build understanding of overall meaning. Use context clues to figure out meaning of words and ideas. Acquire information and explore ideas of personal interest through nonfiction books. Question another speaker about facts or inference, referring to the text.


Teach about reading:

Character perspective: how a character understands and feels about a given situation or event

Point of view: how a character understands a situation because of his or her particular role in it or view of it

Character motivation: What causes a character to act and feel a certain way

Character change: How a character's feelings and subsequent actions change over the course of a story

Character motivation: what causes a character to act or feel the way that he or she does

Text Preview

Words to give-

Words specific to this text- Concepts- Text features-

How do you chunk the text? Where do you need to guide?

  • By chapter

During reading


Chapter 1


Have you ever wanted to be able to do something better? What was that? Why did you want to be better at that? In this story a boy named Milo accidently finds a book. The book says that it can teach him how to be "perfect" in exactly three days. Let's to find out what Milo thinks about the book that can teach him to be perfect. As you read, you will notice that you are reading parts of Milo's book, too. You should be paying attention to why Milo is reading the book. You should also be thinking about why Dr. Silverfish wrote the book about being perfect in the first place. This is called paying attention to different characters' perspectives, or points of view.

Factual Q:

What was Milo looking for in the library?

What kinds of accidents does Milo have?

Inference Q (at least two):

Why do you think Milo was so interested in the book that fell? Why did he decide to read it? What does that tell you about Milo?

What does Milo think about the author's picture? What does that tell you about Milo?

Why does Milo want to be perfect?

When Milo read the warning in chapter three of Dr. Silverfish's book, why do you think he did what he did? What would you have done?

Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

What do you think perfect looks like? What does Milo think perfect looks like? What makes you think that?

What is perfect, anyway? Is there such a thing as perfect? Share your point of view.

Why do you think Dr. Silverfish wrote the book wrote the book so that his readers could have a second chance?

Do you think being perfect will change the way people think about Milo? Why? How?

How do Stacy Chimelli and Milo think differently about perfection?

How do Stacy Chimelli and Dr. Silverfish think differently about perfection?

Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

We spent a lot of time discussing Milo's perspective, or point of view. We also discussed our own points of view and the points of view of some of the people in Milo's life. Good readers pay attention to the different points of view in a text.


Chapter 2


Have you ever started to do something that you weren't totally sure of? In this chapter Milo begins to follow Dr. Silverfish's directions for becoming perfect. You are also going to read a passage from a philosopher named Socrates. Let's read to find out how Socrates and Milo think differently about perfection.

Factual Q:

What is Milo supposed to do on day one?

In Milo's dream how is he treating other people?

Inference Q (at least two):

Why does Milo say that he could throw out all of his erasers if he were perfect?

Why does Milo think that the doctor might be smirking at him? What does he worry that the doctor is up to?

What would his family have thought if he had actually had to ask for a broccoli stalk? Why would they have thought that?

Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

Is there anything strange about Dr. Silverfish's biography?

Do you think Milo really cares about who Dr. Silverfish is? Why or why not?

Do you think that being perfect has anything to do with how you treat others? What advice would you have for Milo at the end of this chapter if he is really concerned about being perfect?

What would Socrates say about how Milo is treating others?

How do Socrates and Milo think differently about perfection?

How do Socrates and Dr. Silverfish think differently about perfection?

Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

We're learning that Milo has some pretty simple ideas about being perfect. He seems to think that being perfect is a matter of everything being easier for him. As we continue reading next week, let's be sure to pay attention to what other people think about being perfect.



Chapter 3


Have you ever been embarrassed about something that you had to wear? In this chapter, as part of his perfection transformation, Milo has to wear something that is kind of embarrassing. As you read, pay attention to how Milo feels about his embarrassing situation and also what others think of it. Also, let's pay careful attention to how the perfection project is shaping up.

Factual Q:

What things did Milo do at the beginning of the chapter that he didn't think was perfect?

Why was gym class the hardest part of day?

Inference Q (at least two):

If Milo wants to be perfect, and he knows that some things aren't perfect when he is doing them, why does he do them anyway?

Why did Milo's sister laugh so hard?

Is Milo telling the truth? Do you think he should tell the truth? Why?

Why is George suspicious of Milo?

Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

Why does Milo tell his family that the broccoli is for a school play?

Is the broccoli beginning to work? Is Milo becoming perfect? What makes you think that? What is Milo doing that seems more perfect than before?

How has Milo changed from the beginning to the end of the chapter? How is this change related to the broccoli?

How do Descartes and Milo think differently about perfection?

How do Descartes and Dr. Silverfish think differently about perfection?

Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

It looks like Milo is definitely changing a little bit. I wonder why he is changing. Could it be the broccoli? Could he be becoming perfect? At this point it's hard to say, especially since we're not sure if there is really such a thing as perfect.


Chapter 4


In this chapter Milo has his toughest challenges yet on the road to being perfect. One thing that Milo experiences is that it feels like time is going by so slowly. Have you ever experienced that feeling where it feels like time is passing very slowly? Why does that happen? When it is happening why doesn't everyone experience it at the same time? As you read today let's continue to notice different points of view. We are also going to continue our discussion about what it means to be perfect.

Factual Q:

What did Dr, Silverfish ask Milo to do with the broccoli? How did he ask him to do that?

What are "aromas"?

Inference Q (at least two):

What was the point in wearing the broccoli? What do you think about that?

Why do you think that Dr. Silverfish says not to eat for 24 hours?

Why did Elissa ask Milo to "say his lines"? What does Elissa think of Milo's lines? What does Milo think about his sister?

Why did the kids at school call him those names?

What do Milo's parents think about him not eating?

Why is time moving so slowly for Milo?

Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

How does humility help you to become perfect?

Why doesn't Milo want his dad to tell his mom and sister that he is trying to be perfect?

What does Milo's dad think about Dr. Silverfish's book?

Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

So, Milo is getting closer and closer to what Dr. Silverfish says is perfection. Even if we don't agree with Milo and Dr. Silverfish about what perfection is, at least we can notice that Milo is changing. By following the recommendations in Dr. Silverfish's book Milo is experiencing a change in the way he thinks about things. I wonder if that was the whole point all along…


Chapter 5


Have you ever had a daydream? What's the difference between daydreams and regular dreams? In this chapter, Milo is given another difficult task on the way to perfection. This one is really hard. Let's read to find out what Milo is supposed to do and whether or not he can do it. As you read, pay attention to what he thinks about being perfect, and also be thinking about what other people in Milo's life think about what he is doing.

Factual Q:

According to Dr. Silverfish, how often do perfect people eat?

What is will power?

Inference Q (at least two):

What lesson was Milo supposed to have learned by not eating for 24 hours? Did it work?

Why was Milo reminded of the old Indian custom?

Who are all of the people that Milo saw around him? How did they get there? Who did he think they were?

Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

What does Milo's dad think about the perfection project? Why do you think he supports Milo being perfect, but doesn't want to be perfect himself?

Do you think you could "do nothing" for 24 hours?

Why does Milo say that he "failed" at being perfect?

What would his father think about his "failure"?

Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

In this chapter there were two different character perspectives that were discussed. One was Milo's and one was his father's. Both Milo and his father are in favor of Milo trying to be perfect, but they think about it differently: Milo is actually try to become perfect, and his father is just being supportive; he is not interested in being perfect.


Chapter 6


After reading about Milo, and after reading what some other people have to say about being perfect, how have your feelings about being perfect changed? What do you think it means to be a "good" person? What is the difference between being "good" and being "perfect"? In this chapter, Dr. Silverfish, and Milo too, write and think about the difference between being "good" and being "perfect". As you read, be thinking about what you think the difference is and which you think is more important.

Factual Q:

Did Milo succeed in becoming perfect?

Inference Q (at least two):

Why was Milo "shattered"?

Why does Milo keep thinking about people in an auditorium?

What do you think Dr. Silverfish's book, Make Four Billion Dollars by Next Thursday, will say about being a billionaire?

Why didn't Milo say a word to his classmate with the broccoli.

Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

What does Dr. Silverfish say that "perfect" is?

What lesson is Dr. Silverfish trying to teach his readers?

According to Dr. Silverfish, what is more important, being a "good" person or being "perfect"?

What is the difference between a "good" person and a "perfect" person is?

Which do you think is more important, being "good" or being "perfect"?

Why does Dr. Silverfish write: "You are obviously a slow learner"?

Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

So, Milo didn't end up becoming perfect. But, as it turns out, he and Dr. Silverfish think that perfection is boring anyway and that being good is more important. We have read what quite a few different people think and thought about hat perfect is. We could have also read about what other people think "good" is. This is called point-of-view. When we read and talk about what others think, we are paying attention to their point-of-view. By paying attention to others' points of view, we can learn a lot. Good readers are always paying attention to others' point-of-view.




Name: ____________________ Date: ____________

Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days!, chapter 1


1. What was Milo looking for in the library? Did he find it?



2. What does Milo think about the author's picture? What does that tell us about Milo?



3. Does Milo want to be perfect? Why or why not?



4. What does Milo think his sister will say when he is perfect? D you think he's right? Why or why not?





5. What does it mean to be perfect?



6. Do you want to be perfect? Why or why not?



7. Draw a picture of "perfect."


















Name: ____________________ Date: ____________

Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days!, chapter 1


Part 1

Directions: Reread chapter 1, one time. Then, answer the question below.


Did you reread chapter1? ___________


Part 2

Directions: Read the passage below by Stacey Chillemi. Then, answer the questions below. You will need to use the passage and your book to answer the questions.



What is Perfection?
by Stacey Chillemi (altered for first grade)

As much as we want everything in our lives to be perfect, perfection does not exist. My definition of perfection is trying your best each day. If you're not satisfied, then I would tell you there is no point in getting upset because perfection does not exist. I would tell you to try harder next time and keep trying until you are satisfied with your accomplishments. But don't stress yourself by trying too hard because perfection does not exist. You know you have reached human perfection when your heart tells you so. You'll feel a sense of pride travel throughout your soul.


1. Does Stacey Chillemi believe in perfection? What does she say perfection is?




2. What would Stacey Chillemi say about Dr. Silverfish's book? Why do you think that?



3. What would Milo think about Stacy Chillemi's article? What makes you think that?



4. How did the Stacey Chillemi passage change how you feel about perfection?













Name: ____________________ Date: ____________

Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days!, chapter 2


1. In Milo's dream how is he treating other people?







Socrates was a philosopher in Ancient Greece. He never wrote anything down, but he sure talked a lot. This is what Socrates said about being perfect:


The perfect human being is all human beings put together, it is a collective, it is all of us together that make perfection.
(Note: Socrates does not mean that all human beings need to be stuck together to be perfect.)



2. If Socrates is right when he says that the perfect human being is all human beings put together, can anybody be perfect all by themselves?



3. What would Socrates say about Dr. Siverfish's book? What makes you think that?



4. How do Milo and Socrates think differently about being perfect?



5. Do you agree with Socrates? Why or why not?



6. At the end of the chapter what would Socrates say to Milo?


Name: ____________________ Date: ____________

Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days!, chapter 3


1. What does Milo do at the end of the chapter that makes him think he is becoming perfect?



2. Why is George suspicious of Milo?



Rene Descartes



In 1641 a French Philosopher named Rene Descartes wrote a very important text called Meditations on First Philosophy, or The Meditations, for short. Mr. Descartes had some interesting things to say about perfection.


Descartes said that we cannot trust our senses, because they are imperfect and might not always tell us the truth. He also said that we cannot trust our intuition, or our thoughts about things, because our minds may be "imperfect or confused." Descartes said that the only thing that can be totally perfect is God. Since human beings aren't God, that means we can't be totally perfect. In fact, Descartes says we are imperfect. We can't even trust our imperfect senses or our imperfect thoughts.

3. What is different about how Milo and Descartes think about perfection?



4. What advice would Descartes have for Milo?



5. What would Descartes say about Dr. Silverfish's book?



6. Have your feelings about perfection changed at all? What do you think it means to be perfect?


Name: ____________________ Date: ____________

Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days!, chapter 4

1. How has Milo changed from when he first started to read Dr. Silverfish's book?


2. What was the point in wearing the broccoli? What do you think about that?


3. Why doesn't Milo want his dad to tell his mom and sister that he is trying to be perfect? What makes you think that?




I looked up how to be perfect on the internet, and this one of the things I found:



Perfect is Imperfect (from ehow.com)

There is no universal definition of perfect. What perfect is to you might not be what perfect is to another. Perhaps your "perfect" is a small cottage on the lake, but another's "perfect" is a mansion in Beverly Hills. The way you achieve this "perfect" is not by actually becoming "perfect," but how you feel on your journey to obtain it. Perfect should feel good, it should provide you with a sense of satisfaction. If you find that you are only beating yourself up about every mistake, then "perfect" isn't worth it.

1. In your own words, summarize what this article says perfection is.


2. Do you agree with the author of this article? Why or why not?



Name: ____________________ Date: ____________

Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days!, chapter 5

1. What does Milo think it will be like when he is perfect? Do you agree? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Would you do all of things that Milo is doing if you could be perfect? Why or why not?


3. Do you think that Milo is correct to think that? Why or why not?



4. What does Milo's dad think about being perfect?


5. Why does Milo's dad decide to help Milo?


6. Why does Milo say that he "failed"?



Name: ____________________ Date: ____________

Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days!, chapter 6

1. According to Dr. Silverfish, what is more important, being a "good" person or being "perfect"? Do you agree? Why or why not?


2. What do you think the difference between a "good" person and a "perfect" person is?


3. How do you think Milo felt when he first read that Dr. Silverfish says that perfect is boring?


4. What lesson do you think Dr. Silverfish is trying to teach his readers?


5. After all that we've read about being perfect, do wish that you were perfect? Why or why not?


Guided Reading Plan: Magic Tree House: Dinosaurs Before Dark






012711, 012811, 020311, 020411, 021011

Concept Of Comprehension Focus:

  • Character Motivation
  • Drawing Conclusions
  • Explaining Similarity and Difference

Guided Reading Texts

MTH: Dinosaurs Before Dark



Guided Reading and Independent Practice: (15-20 minutes)

AIM- SWBAT increase reading stamina; SWBAT explain characters' motivations and compare characters by drawing conclusions about the characters


What is the big idea (of the chapter)?

Chapters 1 and 2: Different people have different motivations for doing the same things, especially when it comes to doing something that is potentially dangerous or new.

Chapters 3 and 4: Characters' personalities and character traits stay the same in different settings. We can draw conclusions based on this. By behaving like "scientists," we can overcome our fears because science believes that the scientist operates outside of the world which is being examined.

Chapters 5 and 6: We can use scientific information to make inferences about the world. We can use these inferences to make decisions about whether or not certain actions are safe. Even if we infer that something is safe, we should still use caution.

Chapters 7 and 8: Identifying a new problem in a story is a good way to identify a subplot. We can learn a lot about a character by how they try to solve problems.

Chapters 9 and 10: At the end of a story the problem in the subplot is solved and we return to the main plot of the story. Sharing a special experience with someone can bring you closer to them. Sometimes things can happen to you that no one else can understand.


Teach about reading:

Reading Stamina: being able to read and understand more text at one time

Character Motivation: what causes characters to act and feel the way they do

Drawing Conclusions (about characters): inferring what a character might do or say in a certain situation using what you know about a character, what you know about the setting and you background knowledge.

Text Preview

Words to give-

Chapters 1 and 2: Pennsylvania, Pteranodon

Chapters 3 and 4: Cretaceous period, boldly

Chapters 5 and 6: Triceratops, medallion, Anatosaurus, colonies, magnolia

Chapters 7 and 8: Tyrannosaurus Rex

Chapters 9 and 10: ancient, reptile


Words specific to this text- Concepts- Text features-

How do you chunk the text? Where do you need to guide?

  • By chapter, 2 chapters at a time

(3 minutes)

Reading Strategy:

Increase reading stamina by reading and understanding more text at one time; identify and explain character motivation by "Figuring Out"; draw conclusions and compare multiple characters

Intro to book:

During reading


Chapters 1 and 2


Do you have a brother or a sister? How would you compare yourself to your brother or sister? This is the first book of the Magic Tree House series. This is a story about a brother and a sister, Jack and Annie who have some things in common, but who are also very different. In the first two chapters of the book they discover something very interesting while they are walking in their home town of Frog Creek, Pennsylvania. As you read pay attention to how they react to their discovery. Think about what makes them similar and different, and imagine what you would do if you were in this situation with your brother or sister.


Factual Q:

Chapter 1

What does Annie like and what does Jack like? (Annie likes pretend stuff, Jack likes real stuff like books)

What did Annie and Jack discover on their walk?

Chapter 2

What was the tree house filled with?

What can they see from the tree house at the beginning of the chapter? Where are they at the beginning of the chapter? Where are they at the end of the chapter?


Inference Q (at least two):

Chapter 1

Why did Annie decide to climb into the tree house?

Why does Jack tell Annie to come back when she goes up into the tree house? What does this tell us about Annie? What does this tell us about Jack? (Annie is adventurous and curious, Jack is kind of curious, but more conservative and less adventurous)

Chapter 2

Why does Jack think that Annie is pretending when she screams and says she sees a monster?

What makes Jack think that they are not supposed to be in the tree house? Do you think Annie cares? Why or why not? What does this tell us about the characters?

Let's identify cause and effect:

Jack opens the book about Pennsylvania… (they are still in Pennsylvania)

Jack opens the book about dinosaurs to the page about the Pteranodon… (a Pteranodon appears)

What does this tell us about the books in the tree house?

What is so strange about this tree house?


Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

Chapter 1

How are Jack and Annie different? What in the story makes you think that?

What does Jack think about Annie's actions?

Should Jack and Annie really have climbed into the tree house? Why or why not?

Chapter 2

(end) Using what we know about Jack and Annie, how does Annie feel about the tree house right now? How does Jack feel about the tree house right now? What do you think is similar and different about the way they feel? What in the story makes you think that?


Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

By reading more than one chapter at a time we are increasing our reading stamina, or our ability to read and understand more text at one time. As we become better readers, our stories will become longer and more complex: they will have more characters, changing plots, and multiple settings. By drawing conclusions about characters' motivations and feelings and comparing them in different settings, we are becoming better readers.


Chapters 3 and 4


How would you feel if you left EBCS today, walked outside, and were no longer in Brooklyn as you know it, but you were somewhere else that you didn't recognize? Why would you feel that way? In chapters 3 and 4 Jack and Annie end up somewhere very unfamiliar. As you read, pay attention to how they react to their new setting. Think about what makes them similar and different, and imagine what you would do if you were in this situation with your brother or sister.

Factual Q:

Chapter 3

How has the setting changed?

Where did they go?

Chapter 4

What did Jack do after he touched the Pteranodon? Why did he do that?

What is a bony crest?

Inference Q (at least two):

Chapter 3

What's the deal with the book matching the setting?

Why does Jack say that "none of this can be real"?

How can Annie tell that the Pteranodon is "nice"?

What is different about how Annie and Jack feel about being in the Cretaceous period?

Chapter 4

In the beginning of the chapter, does Jack want to go down the ladder? Why does he change his mind?

Annie says, "Don't think, just do it." What does that tell us about Annie?


Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

Chapter 3

How does Jack feel about Annie climbing down the ladder? What makes you think that?

Chapter 4

What does Annie think of Jack in this chapter? How would you describe their relationship?

It seems to me like they need each other. How do they need each other?

How would this experience be different if it were just Jack?

How would this experience be different if it were just Annie?


Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

We've had a good opportunity to see how characters' personalities go with them from one setting to another.

By paying attention to this we can begin to make inferences and draw conclusions about how our characters would act in other situations, too. For example, I bet we could draw reasonable conclusions about how Jack and Annie would act in other settings like at school, at the beach, at Target, etc.


Chapters 5 and 6


Have you ever been in a strange place with unfamiliar things? What was that like? In these chapters Jack and Annie explore the new setting a little bit. Let's read to find out what happens when the encounter different types of dinosaurs. As we read, let's be thinking about how the characters' actions confirm or disconfirm (that means proves them wrong) haw we think about the characters.


Factual Q:

Chapter 5

Why are they trying to get into the tree house so quickly?

How big was the Triceratops?

What was on the medallion?

Chapter 6

Why did the Anatosaurus run away?

Inference Q (at least two):

Chapter 5

Why isn't Annie afraid of the Triceratops? What makes you think that?

How does Jack feel about Annie running towards the Triceratops? What makes you think that?

Think about the scene with the Triceratops. What does this tell us about Jack? What does this tell us about Annie?

How does Jack know that there was a person there before him and Annie? How does that show that someone was there?

Chapter 6

Why did Jack say that he was going to kill Annie?

Why did Jack decide to take the medallion?

What's the deal with pretending to chew? What makes you think that?

Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

Chapter 5

How would you describe Jack now? How did this chapter affect how we think about Jack?

How would you describe Annie now? How did this chapter affect how we think about Annie?

If Jack and Annie weren't siblings do you think Jack would want to be friends with Annie? Why or why not?

Chapter 6

Why didn't Jack want to get too close to the baby dinosaurs? But what about Annie?


Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

I think that this chapter showed us that we have been correct in our descriptions of Jack and Annie. The way that Jack and Annie act in this chapter is pretty much what we expected based upon the character descriptions that we used in previous chapters. What we have been reading, the exploration of the dinosaurs' habitat, is what we call a subplot. This means that their adventures in this setting are not the main plot. The main plot is that Jack and Annie found a tree house on their way home, and the tree house turned out to be magic. What is happening in the new setting is still very important, but it is the subplot; we can't let our excitement with the dinosaurs make us forget how this subplot fits with the rest of the story.


Chapters 7 and 8


We talked about subplots yesterday. Have you ever watched a cartoon or read a book with a subplot? Do you think that you can identify a subplot in a story? In today's chapters, Jack and Annie are still exploring the dinosaur world. But today a new problem arises. This problem is a subplot. Let's see if we can identify the subplot. Let's see if the subplot has any effect on how we think of Jack and Annie.


Factual Q:

Chapter 7

What is the main problem in chapter 7?

Where was the Tyrannosaurus Rex standing at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 8

Why was Jack outside the tree house, so close to a T-Rex?

Did the problem from ch. 7 get resolved?

Inference Q (at least two):

Chapter 7

Why does Jack need to go back for his backpack?

Jack makes some inferences about the Anatosauruses. What were some of his inferences? Do you think that his inferences make sense? Why or why not?

Chapter 8

Why was Jack's heart beating so fast?

How did Jack feel after he read in the book about the Tyrannosaurus Rex? What makes you think that?

Why do you think that the Pteranodon was coming right for Jack?

Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

Chapter 7

Is the backpack worth risking his life?

How did the problem change from the beginning to the end of the chapter? Did it change?

Chapter 8

Why did Annie come down the ladder with the T-Rex so close? Do you think that Jack would have done that for her? What in the story makes you think that? (Recall what happen with the Anatosauruses in ch. 6)


Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

In these chapters we saw more developments in the subplot. We noticed that a new problem arose and that was how we knew that we had found another subplot. We also got to see how the characters make inferences in a story. This is really cool because we get to see how the characters in the book are doing the very same thing that we have to do when we read the book.


Chapters 9 and 10


Have you ever done something one day, but then thought it was a dream when you thought back to it? What was that like? How did that feel? These are the final chapters in the book. This means that the problem in the subplot(s) will be solved and our attention will be called back to the main plot of the story. As we finish up the book let's think about how this adventure has affected Jack and Annie's relationship, and how they may have changed from the beginning to the end of the story.

Factual Q:

Chapter 9

What was Jack wondering when the Pteranodon landed next to him with "alert" eyes?

Where was Annie this whole time?

Chapter 10

Where are they now?

Inference Q (at least two):

Chapter 9

"Don't think. Just do it." Who does that sound like? Why is Jack saying this to himself?

Why did they teeter?

How did Jack feel to be able to see everything from the back of the Pteranodon? What makes you think that?

Why does Jack thank Annie for saving his life? What did she have to do with it? What does this tell us about her?

What do you think slammed into the oak tree?

Chapter 10

Why did Jack feel "dazed"?

Why did Jack's fingers tingle when he touched the medallion? What makes you think that?

Critical Thinking Q (at least two):

How do Jack and Annie feel about the tree house? What makes you think that?

Should Jack and Annie tell their parents about their adventure? What about the tree house? Why or why not?

How can Jack be so sure that the trip was "real"?

Why do they want to go back the tree house? What makes you think that?

How do you think this adventure affected Jack and Annie's relationship? What makes you think that?

How have Jack and Annie changed from the beginning to the end of the story?


Teacher Wrap Up (What is the deep understanding students will leave with?)

By paying close attention to characters' motivations throughout a story we get to see how characters change and grow from the beginning to the end of a story. In this book we got to see how a brother and a sister grew closer together through a shared experience that no one else would believe or even understand. As we continue to read Magic Tree House books, we are going to make connections to what we read here, and we will continue to see Jack and Annie's relationship grow.




Name: _____________________

Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs Before Dark, chapters 1 and 2


How would you describe Annie? (Your answer needs to be at least two sentences and include at least one character trait word.)



How would you describe Jack? (Your answer needs to be at least two sentences and include at least one character trait word.)



Can you think of someone who is like Jack or Annie? What makes them like Jack or Annie?



How are Jack and Annie similar? What in the story makes you think that?



How are Jack and Annie different? What in the story makes you think that?



In chapter 1, does Jack think it's a good idea to go into the tree house? What does Jack do or say that makes you think that?



How do Annie's feelings change from the beginning of chapter 1 to the end of chapter 2? Why do you think her feelings changed? What does she do or say that makes you think that?


Name: _____________________

Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs Before Dark, chapters 1 and 2 (modified)


How would you describe Annie? (Your answer needs to be at least two sentences and include at least one character trait word.)



How would you describe Jack? (Your answer needs to be at least two sentences and include at least one character trait word.)



Can you think of someone who is like Jack or Annie? What makes them like Jack or Annie?








How do Annie's feelings change from the beginning of chapter 1 to the end of chapter 2? Why do you think her feelings changed? What does she do or say that makes you think that?






















Name: _____________________

Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs Before Dark, chapters 3 and 4


Did Jack act the way you thought he would when they landed in the Cretaceous period? What did you expect him to do? What didn't you expect?



Did Annie act the way you thought she would when they landed in the Cretaceous period? What did you expect her to do? What didn't you expect?



What is the deal with the book that Jack is reading? What would have happened if the book was about Coney Island and not about dinosaurs? What makes you think that?


In the beginning of chapter 4, does Jack want to go down the ladder? Why does he change his mind?



What are you wondering at the end of chapter 4?













Name: _____________________

Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs Before Dark, chapters 5 and 6


How does Jack feel about Annie running towards the Triceratops? What makes you think that?



How does Jack know that there was a person there before him and Annie? How does that show that someone was there?



Is it important that someone was there before Jack and Annie? What makes you think that?


If Jack and Annie weren't siblings do you think Jack would want to be friends with Annie? Why or why not?



Did anything in these chapters change the way you think about Jack or Annie? Why is that?



What are you wondering at the end of chapter 6?









Name: _____________________

Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs Before Dark, chapters 7 and 8


What is the problem in these chapters?



Why does Jack need his backpack so badly?



Should Jack really be risking his life for that backpack? What makes you think that?





How do you think Jack felt after reading the part in his book about the Tyrannosaurus Rex? What makes you think that?



Did anything in these chapters change the way you think about Jack or Annie? Why is that?



What are you wondering at the end of chapter 8?







Name: _____________________

Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs Before Dark, chapters 9 and 10


How does the problem in the subplot get solved?



Why does Jack thank Annie for saving his life? What did she have to do with it?



Why do Jack and Annie think that no one will believe their story?






How did this experience change Jack and Annie's relationship? Why do you think that?



Did anything in these chapters change the way you think about Jack or Annie? Why is that?



What advice do you have for Jack and Annie?


What advice would they have for you?
